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  1. Tomatoes: When they undergo cooking, the cell walls break down and lycopene is released. This makes its absorption from the body easier. Lycopene is the anti-oxidant of the tomato and can protect against cancer and especially prostate cancer.
    So, it is better to be consumed cooked.
  2. Carrots: Research showed that the levels of beta carotene increase when carrots are cooked. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body, improving our immune system and vision.
    So, they are better to be consumed cooked.
  3. Garlic: Cooking makes garlic less potent because heat damages important nutrients.
    So, it is better to be consumed raw.
  4. Broccoli : Research showed that a nutrient present in broccoli can help with stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. However, this beneficial nutrient is present in greater amounts when it is raw.
    So, it is better to be consumed raw or lightly steamed.
  5. Spinach: A green leafy vegetable which is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron and plays an important role in balancing the blood pressure, maintaining strong and healthy bones, reducing tiredness and fatigue.
    So, it is better to be consumed raw.
  6. Peppers: These contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is an important anti-oxidant for the body. Vitamin C is very vulnerable to heat and oxygen. When foods are cooked they lose most of it.
    So, they are better to be consumed raw.
  7. Brussels Sprouts: They contain phytochemicals which give them important anti-cancer properties.
    So, it is better to be eaten gently cooked.
  8. Cabbage: It contains nutrients which can prevent against cancer. Among them they are high in vitamin C and beta-carotene.
    So, it is better to be consumed cooked.

Κλινική Διαιτολόγος - ΓΕΣΥ